Scientific Ressources

Over the past years IRCAN teams have developed scientific ressources freely accessible to the community.

Below some of our newest online databases: 


euL1db - The European database of the L1-HS retrotransposon insertions in humans

The Cristofari lab has developed a database of the most recent human "jumping genes": euL1db provides a curated and comprehensive summary of L1-HS insertion polymorphisms identified in healthy or pathological human samples and published in peer-reviewed journals. It helps understanding the link between L1 retrotransposon insertion polymorphisms and phenotype or disease. Check out the database here, or click on the image below. 


NvERTX - An embryogenesis & regeneration gene expression plotter

Using the emerging whole body regeneration model Nematostella vectensis (sea anemone), the Röttinger lab has developed a database to mine and analyse extensive embryonic and regeneration RNAseq datasets. For more information check out the publication and to access the database click here or on the image below. 

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