Since its inception in 2012, IRCAN has been dedicated to creating and operating cutting-edge Technical Core Facilities designed to enhance and support groundbreaking research projects and educational initiatives. These facilities, pivotal to IRCAN’s goal of fostering high-caliber scientific research, welcome both internal and external research groups from academic and industrial sectors. They are managed by highly skilled technical staff and specialized committees composed of representatives from all Medical School labs.
The development of our state-of-the-art Technical Core Facilities and Common Services has been made possible through the committed efforts of IRCAN staff and substantial contributions from the University of Nice, INSERM, CNRS, ARC, IBISA, Canceropole PACA, the Ville de Nice, the Alpes-Côte d’Azur Department, the PACA Region, and the European Commission.
The Pasteur-IRCAN Marine Invertebrate Facility for (anti)Aging Research (ANTIAGE) combines internationnaly recongized expertise and state-of-the-art aquarium and experimention systems and provides access to marine invertebrate research models to study research stress response, regeneration and aging/longevity.

Multicellular spheroids and tumoroids are revolutionizing drug discovery by bridging the gap between traditional cell cultures and real tissues. These 3D tumor cultures replicate the complex behavior of cancer cells more accurately, aiding in the development and validation of anti-tumor therapies. Despite this progress, there is still a need for in vitro models that closely mimic the intricate ecosystem of solid tumors, including interactions with stromal cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, adipocytes, pericytes, and immune cells within a complex extracellular matrix.
Imaging Core Facility – PICMI
AFM Core Facility – PICMI
The IRCAN biological atomic force microscopy (AFM) facility, unique to the scientific community of the Côte d’Azur, is part of the IRCAN Cellular and Molecular Imaging Platform (PICMI). As a member of the « Microscopie et Imagerie de la Côte d’Azur » (MICA) network, which consolidates imaging and microscopy resources from seven academic partners, this facility is IBiSA certified.
Cytometry platform – CytoMed

The Pasteur-IRCAN Molecular and Cellular Imaging Core Facility (PICMI) gathers the scientific and technical expertise and state of the art devices required for scientific projects using imaging techniques.
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IRCAN has a diverse research teams, tackling a wide range and resolution of topics in ageing and cancer.